eStruxture VAN-1 Vancouver Data Center is located at 55 E 7th Ave, Vancouver, BC V5T 1M4, Canada. The data center is 10000 sqft. There is a total of 3000 sqft in raised floor space for colocation. It has access to 2.5 MW of power. We found 14 data center locations within 50 miles of this facility. No certifications are specified for this location.
eStruxture’s Vancouver data center is set within a 10,000 square foot custom facility and includes 7,500 square feet of server cabinet space, electrical distribution, cooling, and backup UPS and diesel generator systems. The facility is located in Mount Pleasant, adjacent to the Vancouver downtown core, and lies within close proximity to data-centric multimedia studios.
The innovative design of our facility was conceived with rigorous security and structural integrity in mind. The building – and specifically the data center itself – is a cement bunker, with a 12” thick seismic shear wall spanning its core. In addition to providing the utmost security, VAN-1 prides itself on being an environmentally-conscious facility with sensors that continuously monitor humidity, temperature, and airflow in order to increase cooling and energy efficiencies.