Prime Data Centers Data Centers

Prime Data Centers develops, acquires and operates data centers for some of the world’s largest enterprises.  A private firm owned by a group controlling $6 billion in assets, with a 15-year tenure in the development of technology and real estate, Prime provides customers with ownership options and dynamic leasing models, defining a true corporate partnership.


Prime Data Centers

Prime Data Centers Santa Clara – Martin

2175 Martin Avenue, Santa Clara, CA, USA
Prime Data Centers

Prime Data Centers Santa Clara – 1111 Comstock

1111 Comstock Street, Santa Clara, CA, USA
Prime Data Centers

Prime Data Centers Sacramento – McClellan Park Campus

3140 Peacekeeper Way, McClellan Park, CA, USA

110 Pacific Avenue San Francisco, CA 94111

Prime Data Centers develops, acquires and operates data centers for some of the world’s largest enterprises.  A private firm owned by a group controlling $6 billion in assets, with a 15-year tenure in the development of technology and real estate, Prime provides customers with ownership options and dynamic leasing models, defining a true corporate partnership.

Organization Details





year founded


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