Nautilus Data Technologies Data Centers

We are pioneering a new generation of data centers by delivering innovative solutions that provide a strategic platform for greater customer success. We are focused on providing disruptive technologies and solutions addressing the emerging data center efficiency and security requirements in computing, business continuity and disaster recovery markets.  We created the world’s most innovative water cooled data center design, setting a new standard for energy efficiency, environmental sustainability and global scalability. Our data centers reduce the cost of computing, cut power usage, eliminate water consumption, decrease air pollution and lower greenhouse gas emissions. 


Nautilus Data Technologies

Stockton 1 Data Center

1002 Embarcadero, Stockton, CA, USA

1250 Nimitz Ave Unit A Vallejo, CA 94592

We are pioneering a new generation of data centers by delivering innovative solutions that provide a strategic platform for greater customer success. We are focused on providing disruptive technologies and solutions addressing the emerging data center efficiency and security requirements in computing, business continuity and disaster recovery markets.  We created the world’s most innovative water cooled data center design, setting a new standard for energy efficiency, environmental sustainability and global scalability. Our data centers reduce the cost of computing, cut power usage, eliminate water consumption, decrease air pollution and lower greenhouse gas emissions. 

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