Colt: Tokyo Otemachi Data Center

Colt Tokyo Otemachi Data Center is located at Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan. The gross building size for this location has not been provided. The gross colocation space is not available for this data center. No power information has been offered for this location. We found 55 data center locations within 50 miles of this facility. No certifications are specified for this location.
Colt Tokyo Otemachi Data Center is located in Tokyo’s central business district, providing a highly convenient and easily accessible data center facility for businesses operating in Japan. Purpose-designed to meet the high security needs of customers with mission-critical data, Colt Tokyo Otemachi Data Center is an earthquake-resistant structure, allowing the building to withstand major earthquakes up to a magnitude of 7 on the Japanese Meteorological Agency seismic scale. The security measures implemented at Colt Tokyo Otemachi Data Center correspond to Tier 3 and includes surveillance camera monitoring, IC card verification and biometric authentication systems.

Tokyo Otemachi Data Center

Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan

Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan



Facility Details

Not Available

colocation space

Not Available

total power

Not Available

total space


nearest airport

Facility Types



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