Colt: Busan Data Center

Colt Busan Data Center is located at Busan, South Korea. The gross building size for this location has not been provided. The gross colocation space is not available for this data center. No power information has been offered for this location. We found 0 data center locations within 50 miles of this facility. No certifications are specified for this location.
Derivative trading has been growing rapidly in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly in Korea with the Korea Exchange (KRX) taking the lead. KRX’s derivative matching engine is located in Busan, but accessing this system up until now has been restricted to just through Seoul. In March 2012, Colt Busan Data Center entered into a business partnership agreement with Koscom, a subsidiary of KRX, to allow Colt DCS to provide proximity hosting services at Colt Busan Data Center.

Busan Data Center

Busan, South Korea

Busan, South Korea



Facility Details

Not Available

colocation space

Not Available

total power

Not Available

total space


nearest airport

Facility Types



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