Colocation America: ChicagoDC5 Data Center

Colocation America ChicagoDC5 Data Center is located at 2200 Busse Rd, Elk Grove Village, IL, USA. The data center is 485000 sqft. There is a total of 100000 sqft in raised floor space for colocation. It has access to 36.4 MW of power. We found 97 data center locations within 50 miles of this facility. Certifications for this location include HIPAA, PCI-DSS, SOC 1, SSAE-16 Type 2, SSAE-16 Type 1, SOC 2 Type 2, ISO 27001, SOC 2, SOC 3, SOC 2 Type 1, SOC 1 Type 2, SSAE-18.
Known as the “Windy City”, Chicago serves as the central hub for communications in the Midwest. Its central location provides ideal spaces that are away from urban zones and environmental threats which keeps your company’s data safe. With a thriving market in the Midwest, Colocation America’s data centers and IT infrastructure can provide you with superior connectivity, security, and state-of-the-art facilities so that you don’t get blown away in the Windy City.
Colocation America

ChicagoDC5 Data Center

2200 Busse Rd, Elk Grove Village, IL, USA

2200 Busse Rd, Elk Grove Village, IL, USA


Colocation America

Facility Details

100000 Sqft

colocation space

36.4 Mw

total power

485000 Sqft

total space


nearest airport

Facility Types



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