Rackspace LON8 London Data Center is located at 260-262 Goswell Road, Angel, London EC1V 7EB, UK. The data center is 82354.68 sqft. The gross colocation space is not available for this data center. It has access to 4.23 MW of power. We found 106 data center locations within 50 miles of this facility. No certifications are specified for this location.
The largest of our London data centers, LON8 boasts 7,561-square-meters of raised flooring. It has two plants of 3 x 900kWr air-cooled package chillers, with 3,600kWr total, and N+1 redundancy. The facility is expertly managed 24x7x365 by our network and system engineers, and the facility is equipped with biometric scanners, video surveillance, alarm systems, key card access and laser-based smoke detection.