Equinix: MB1 Mumbai IBX Data Center

Equinix MB1 Mumbai IBX Data Center is located at Chandivali Farm Road, Shangharsh Nagar, Sangharsh Nagar, Chandivali, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400072, India. The data center is 18357 sqft. The gross colocation space is not available for this data center. No power information has been offered for this location. We found 18 data center locations within 50 miles of this facility. Certifications for this location include PCI-DSS, SOC 2 Type 2, ISO 27001, ISO 22301, ISO 90001, SOC 1 Type 2.
MB1 is the only data center in India to host direct connect nodes for AWS, Google Cloud and Oracle Cloud.  This IBX is situated on high ground and secure from flooding and hosts key internet exchanges such as AMS-IX India, Bharat IX, Extreme IX, Mumbai IX-DECIX and NIXI. 

MB1 Mumbai IBX Data Center

Chandivali Farm Road, Shangharsh Nagar, Sangharsh Nagar, Chandivali, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400072, India

Chandivali Farm Road, Shangharsh Nagar, Sangharsh Nagar, Chandivali, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400072, India



Facility Details

Not Available

colocation space

Not Available

total power

18357 Sqft

total space


nearest airport

Facility Types



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