Zenlayer: BOM1 Mumbai Data Center

Zenlayer BOM1 Mumbai Data Center is located at B-WING, Doctor Ratnakar Bhaindarkar Road, Omkar Society, Dadar West, Dadar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400028, India. The gross building size for this location has not been provided. The gross colocation space is not available for this data center. No power information has been offered for this location. We found 18 data center locations within 50 miles of this facility. No certifications are specified for this location.
Zenlayer is a Global provider with 100+ Data Centers offering Colo, IP transit, and IPLC. We have 6.2Tbps of global capacity and a redundant private backbone built with our SDN product that interconnects 30+ countries for quick and flexible deployments. We have a strong presence throughout Asia (Japan, Korea, HK, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, etc…) and emerging markets such as LATAM, Russia, India. and especially CHINA where we have IDC and ISP licenses to operate.

BOM1 Mumbai Data Center

B-WING, Doctor Ratnakar Bhaindarkar Road, Omkar Society, Dadar West, Dadar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400028, India

B-WING, Doctor Ratnakar Bhaindarkar Road, Omkar Society, Dadar West, Dadar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400028, India



Facility Details

Not Available

colocation space

Not Available

total power

Not Available

total space


nearest airport

Facility Types



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